School News

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Committed to EdTech
Posted 12/06/2017 02:46PM

AISC is committed as a school to educate its community regarding digital citizenship. The school teams have been meeting regularly with parents of all grade levels, on a weekly basis. The conversation is on-going and based on the school's three major technology pillars: International Standards of Technology in Education (ISTE); the 1:1 personalized iPad program in K-5 elementary classrooms; and the Bring Your Own Laptop (BYOL) initiative that AISC will roll-out as a pilot, in the following academic year for Middle School and High School grade levels. The school's technology team strives to encourage parents to be role models to their kids and be well informed about the pros and cons of their child’s “online life.” In order for technology to be meaningful and complementary in education, all the community of the school must work together. Students have been given Digital Citizenship classes and workshops in the Elementary and Middle Schools. In addition to that, teachers have been given ed-tech trainings and a systematic rubric has been created to identify strengths and weaknesses. Based on results, individualized and group accommodation can be given to faculty members of departments in Middle School and High School regarding technology use in the classroom. In summary, technology must accommodate instruction and the learning experience, while enhancing, stimulating and offering learning opportunities that otherwise would not be possible.

Esol Education FZ LLC

P.O. Box 500720, Block 2A

First Floor, Suite 45

Dubai Knowledge Park, UAE

+971 4 364 4802

+971 4 367 8424

Each of the Esol Education schools is accredited by the Council of International Schools (CIS) and/or the Middle States Association (MSA) and offers one or more International Baccalaureate (IB) programs.

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